We offer you contact to a group of efficient toolmakers and parts manufacturers from Germany and the EU!
Find out about the possibilities of producing plastic parts, assemblies and entire products in Germany and the EU in line with market requirements.
We can draw on extensive experience from several projects in which we have established tool and parts production at locations in Europe for our customers. This may involve the development and manufacture of individual parts or the development, production and final assembly of complex assemblies or entire products in Germany or other EU countries.
Lean and regional value chains reduce procurement risks and the exchange rate risk, enable short-term communication options, including for personal discussions, and simplify necessary product adjustments.
Through the targeted and accentuated use of different manufacturing technologies such as rapid tooling or additive manufacturing processes for individual components, we also significantly reduce the time-to-market. The realization is finally gaining ground that functional components can be sustainably substituted by physically similar parts from additive manufacturing, even for series production.
Together with our partners, we have access to a Europe-wide network of production capacities that allow us to offer parts or assemblies for small, medium or large series competitively on a global scale.
We are not interested in how big or small your desired part is. We produce the smallest parts for medical technology, medium-sized parts for the consumer goods industry and large parts for the automotive industry.

Do you have any questions? We are always available to answer your questions and will be happy to prepare a quote for your requirements. Just ask us!
If you are also looking for a professional partner for the realization of your product ideas, you can reach your contact person Jens Arend by e-mail at or by telephone on 0049 (0) 69 82 37 247 – 0 or 0049 (0)177 312 60 07.